compliance solutions

Screening for denied parties is just the start—It’s a companywide mission going beyond export compliance.

Enhance compliance in a range of internal corporate teams including export compliance, supply chain and logistics, finance, IT, legal, sales, procurement, R&D, HR, visitor management, and others.

Denied Party Screening Buyer’s Guide

This buyer’s guide brings together everything you need to know in order to start or transform your sanctions compliance program. See best practices and industry insights to help inform the why, when, and how of your buying process.

Explore our industry-leading solutions

Pick and choose the components that meet your immediate needs, then bolster your compliance program with additional modules as and when you require them. Our solutions include denied party screening, risk management, controlled technology management, and export classification, documentation, and licensing.

Restricted Party Screening

Ensure your organization-wide compliance requirements are met effortlessly, effectively, and with unmatched reliability.

OFAC Compliance Solutions

Simplify your Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) compliance processes and reduce the risk of violations.

Audit Solutions

Streamline your decision-making by resolving potential matches and recording your decisions.

Export Automation

Combine multiple steps of your export process through intuitive workflows facilitating your export activity.

Controlled Technology

Increase oversight and reduce the risk of non-compliant access to your controlled goods and technologies.

Risk Management

Maintain compliance and prevent reputational damage by mitigating the risk of associating with unlawful or unsavory organizations.

Successfully solved challenges

Making companies confident in their compliance due diligence—across all major industries and all around the world

Testimonial image - Erick Wallace

The initial feedback from the employees was, ‘this is awesome. This is a huge improvement, we love it.’ … Descartes Visual Compliance™ has managed to save us nearly 28,000 man-hours per year, and reduce our compliance risk exposure.

Erick Wallace, Corporate Export Compliance Manager
Testimonial image - Céline Emmenegger

Due to the rising importance of compliance in our sector, we needed an automated screening solution that is efficient and highly reliable. Implementing the Descartes solution has resulted in a more systematic and efficient screening practice, which has significantly reduced costs and risks for the company and its clients.

Céline Emmenegger, Compliance Officer at IFCHOR
Testimonial image - Peter Loftspring

Embedding Descartes Visual Compliance into our internally-developed systems and leveraging its automated screening capability has helped us to keep pace with the growing number of contracts that we manage. The technology increases capacity in the compliance team to focus on more strategic activities, such as training and internal stakeholder engagement.

Peter Loftspring, Black & Veatch’s Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Manager
Testimonial image - Limor Fried

You can’t grow your business if you keep doing manual screening. Descartes Visual Compliance was very easy to integrate into our existing ERP and sales platform. Now we have an automated way to check every order as it comes in. There’s no manual screening and we only have to go in to check when there is a flag.

Limor Fried, Founder & Lead Engineer Adafruit Industries
Testimonial image - Amy Chen

By automating screening of our trade partner database against denied party lists and determining appropriate export license requirements, Argosy has realized a 75% productivity gain in our compliance practice. Descartes Visual Compliance has allowed us to focus more resources on international growth, better mitigate risk and ensure we achieve 100% trade compliance rates.

Amy Chen, Quality and Compliance Manager at Argosy International Inc.

Take the next step in your compliance journey and experience global trade securely and successfully

Call toll-free 1-877-328-7866 (Intl: 716-881-2590) and talk to one of our compliance consultants.